Jimmy Kimmel Threatens to Sue Aaron Rodgers Over Epstein Comments

We are just two days into 2024 and we already have the first Hollywood vs. athlete feud of the new year. It comes on the heels of some extremely serious accusations where legendary, but controversial NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers was on the Pat McAfee Show. Rodgers and the show’s hosts were talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his controversies. Rodgers then name-dropped comedian Jimmy Kimmel as someone who may have been involved.

As one might imagine, Kimmel didn’t take kindly to it to being associated with the Epstein controversy. He responded:

“Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any ‘list’ other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless words put my family in danger. Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.”

For context, Nearly 200 names connected with Epstein’s sex trafficking conspiracy could be released by a New York judge, which would shed some light on whether any celebrities were involved in the criminal activity with Epstein. Rodgers, who has missed almost the entire NFL season with a major injury, had no issue calling him out in front of everybody.

As expected, Kimmel denied the allegations and went as far as to threaten Rodgers with a lawsuit. Kimmel called the accusations “clearly-phony nonsense” and referred to Rodgers as a “soft-brained wack” in his Twitter/X rant defending himself. He also mentioned that serious accusations such as these have put his family in danger, and made it clear he wouldn’t mess around with Rodgers much more before bringing it to court.

Jimmy Kimmel Aaron Rodgers

Rodgers Comments Send Shockwaves Through Social Media

With the Epstein flight logs being a popular topic of conversation as of late, it’s no surprise that Rodgers’ comments, which were made on one of the most popular sports shows in recent history, have had a massive impact on Kimmel and have gone viral. While there may be no truth to what Rodgers said, it’s very clear Kimmel is not messing around with this topic.

The ball is in Rodgers’ court now, because he will have to respond in some way to what Kimmel has said. Rodgers is fighting to make his way back into the NFL next season with the New York Jets but if he has flat-out lied about this accusation, his career may take a heavy turn for the worse.

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Jesse Courville-Lynch

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