Did Drake Just Jinx the Edmonton Oilers with His $500,000 Bet?

Canadian rap superstar Drake has made headlines once again by placing a $500,000 bet on the Edmonton Oilers to win the Stanley Cup Final against the Florida Panthers. Drake likes to play high stakes when it comes to his sports betting habits and the multiple-time Grammy award winner shared screenshots of his half-million-dollar bet on the Oilers, alongside a big bet on the Dallas Mavericks to win the NBA Championship.

Drake’s betting history has been a mixed bag, leading to a running joke that his support might come with a dose of bad luck. This has given rise to the popular superstition known as the “Drake Curse.”

The “Drake Curse” isn’t really a thing, but don’t tell that to a handful of Oilers fans who are now frustrated Drake has jumped on board and begun cheering for Edmonton. One X.com user wrote, “Great. Now we have the Drake curse on the Oilers.” Another said, “Oilers better hope the Corey Perry Finals curse and Drake curse cancel each other out.” (Perry has been to the Final four times in the last five seasons and not won.)

High-profile examples of Drake’s colossal failures include his backing of Conor McGregor, Arsenal FC, Serena Williams, and even the Toronto Raptors, despite Drake being their prominent fan and global ambassador and the team finally winning the NBA Championship in 2019.

Did Drake Really Jinx the Oilers?

Given this track record, some fans are now humorously concerned that Drake’s bet might have soured the Oilers’ chances of beating a formidable Panthers team. If the Oilers do manage to clinch the Stanley Cup, Drake stands to earn over $1 million. Should both the Mavericks and Oilers win, his total winnings will amount to an impressive $2.4 million.

Drake is not alone in cheering for the Oilers. BarStool Sports’ Dave Portnoy has been very public about his big bet on Edmonton. His posts are actually hilarious and the emotional rollercoaster he’s been going on in representative on many Oilers fans, even if his financial stake in their success is much higher.

The Edmonton Oilers, the last Canadian team remaining in the playoffs after eliminating the Vancouver Canucks in the second series, are set to face the Florida Panthers on Saturday at 6 p.m. The team travels to Florida today, with a media day scheduled for Friday in preparation for Game One, which will commence at 6 p.m. Mountain Time.

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Jim Parsons

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